Little Big World
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Ore Mountains

Hoorray, the brand new episodes from the UNESCO World heritage site Ore Mountains in Germany just received a Vimeo Staff Pick! This is already the 12th Staff Pick that we have received from Vimeo since we started the Little Big World project.

Watch it here on the website or on Vimeo.



This is the first of a few upcoming films from places that I probably would not have visited without the pandemic. Hallstatt is a small town in Upper Austria and with all the social media frenzy and overtourism I never had a great desire to go there. However, last summer I spend two weeks vacation in Austria approx. one hour away from Hallstatt and with travel restrictions at the time it seemed that this would be only possible time were a place like this could actually be bearable for a day trip.
While locals there assured me that the town was literally empty, it still had this tourist trap feeling to it all over the place. However, it is objectively really pretty and picturesque and all that, but it still is not really my cup of tea I guess. But check it out for yourself in less than 3 minutes – in miniature of course.

Watch it here on the website or on Youtube.


Insta view of Hallstatt, Austria in miniature look. Screenshot from tilt shift time lapse videoAerial view of Hallstatt, Austria. Screenshot from tilt shift time lapse video


Moldova is supposedly the least visited country in Europe and the second poorest country in Europe. While  this might not sound very inviting to most people, I found this country to become my favorite destination on my pre-pandemic East Europe trip. The people are lovely, landscapes are beautiful and there is lots of interesting history and architecture.  Also I had the best food on my entire trip through Eastern Europe there, most noteably the amazing Pelmeni and Borscht 🙂

Watch it here on the website or on Youtube.

Aerial view of Orhei Vechi Monastery in Moldova in tilt-shift video


The Danube Delta in Romania

The Danube Delta is the second largest river delta in Europe. The greater part of the Danube Delta lies in Romania. This area was by far my favorite spot on my Romania trip. It is an amazing eco system with incredible wildlife and it’s amazingly beautiful. This film was shot in Tulcea and around Sfantu Gheorge.

Watch it here on the website or on Youtube.

Birds Eye View of a bot in the Danube Delta, Romania. Screenshot from miniature tilt shift time lapse video 

Roadtrip through Romania

Have you ever seen the real Dracula Castle In Transylvania? You can see the fake tourists trap Bran in the picture below. The “real one” is the following shot in the brand new Little Big World episode.
Other than that you will see amazing mountains, spectacular landscapes, pristine beaches, steam trains, mediveal castles, huge wooden churches, Merry Cemeteries, a fun fair in a saltmine and vibrant cities. While Transylvania might be a bit over-mystified, it is still probably one of the most underrated travel destinations in Europe

Watch it here on the website or on Youtube


Shooting in the Ore Mountains

This weekend we have collected some shots from the Christmas Illuminations in Seiffen, Annaberg-Buchholz & Schwarzenberg. Last change to get these shots before Germany is going into lockdown again.

There will be more shooting this winter and spring so the film can be released in mid 2021.


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